Mia Martelli is a dance artist born in Boston, MA and based in Brooklyn, NY. She creates performance works and videos which implement poetry, improvisation, and sound-making. Her first large scale work, "Girly-Sound", is a solo in conversation with Liz Phair’s Exile in Guyville. While in this process, Mia was an Artist-in-Residence with the West Harlem Art Fund, New Dance Alliance (NDA), and MAGMA, where the work premiered in February 2022. Mia’s most recent process is an evening length duet called "Sitting by a body of water in the dark." This process has been supported by Lower Manhattan Cultural Council, MOtiVE Brooklyn, and The Monira Foundation. The full piece will premiere at PAGEANT in July of 2023. Other live and visual aspects of Mia's work have been held by AUNTS, The Brick Theater, MONO NO AWARE, and GRRL Haus Cinema. She has taught contemporary dance forms at the School of Contemporary Dance and Thought, MAGMA, and Gibney Dance. Mia has performed work by Chloe London, Emily Kessler/POGO Dance, Jessie Young, Jordan Demetrius Lloud, Julie Mayo, and Sacha Vega. Additionally, Mia teaches private Pilates-based, therapeutic movement sessions borrowing modalities from somatic forms such as Feldenkrais, Craniosacral therapy, and myofascial release. For commissions, performance, or to schedule a session, email Mia at miajmartelli@gmail.com.
Girly-Sound at the Performance Mix Festival. Photos by Shannon Yu
Blackbare in the Basement at Danspace Project. Photos by Whitney Browne
Impossible Palace at Smith College. Photos by Derek Fowles
Jerome by Jordan Demetrius Lloyd. Photos by Whitney Browne